Tuesday, May 15, 2012

semest 2, blog 3

84% of teenagers have a Twitter, 93% have a Facebook and 40% have a Tumblr. But are they using those social media accounts for the right reasons? Some might be, but most are not. Many teenagers are hiding behind the computer screen and using social media as their defense. But why? Why social media?
Teenagers post statuses, pictures, and tweets all the time. It’s a constant operation preformed by our generation. But how many of us actually mean what we say in those posts? Not many. For example: a girl tweeted “I hate you so much. Go die b***h”. This girl would never say anything like that to anyone’s face. So why say it on twitter? As it turns out, it was just a way for her to hide. Hiding behind social media is not the answer to anyone’s problem nor is it the right thing to do. Teenagers feel like they can hide behind social media because they feel as if it is not really them saying those things. Its their “virtual self” instead of their “actual self”. But they need to take into consideration that they put those thoughts, those words out there for everyone to see.
This claim addresses learning outcome one because Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr are forms of communication within media. They are the three major social medias that teenagers use. They were examined by students and the students came to a conclusion that our generation does not use these accounts for all the right reasons.

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